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Runtime error 216 using SynPDF

PostPosted: March 26th, 2018, 7:04 pm
by Tom Rage

using Delphi XE with Print Preview 5.61 and SynPDF v1.18 on Windows 10:

PDF creation works fine but after closing my application I get runtime error 216.
Even when I don't print anything I keep getting the runtime error when I use {$DEFINE SYNOPSE} in my project options.
I traced it down to the finalization of unit SynGdiPlus.


Gdip.Free causes the problem, so Windows.DeleteCriticalSection(GdipCS) is skipped when debugging.

Any help appreciated.

Re: Runtime error 216 using SynPDF

PostPosted: April 10th, 2018, 10:21 pm
by Tom Rage
An update to the latest version of Print Preview solved the problem.