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PostPosted: October 8th, 2004, 3:50 pm
by pavel
I forgot that rectangle connector option is already implemented, you are right. This will not be enhacement.
I am not an expert on svg, my way is learning "on the fly". We will have to check it and if there is nothing appropriate, maybe to enhance svg a little.

PostPosted: October 8th, 2004, 4:43 pm
by Kambiz
Hi guys,

I'm glad to see you so active here.

I too agree with the MPL license. And, please just feel free to do whatever you want regarding the component.

Good luck,

PostPosted: October 10th, 2004, 4:43 pm
by Stefan
Hi guys,

The sourceforge project is now pending. We will probably get an answer this week. I'll report any progress in the process.

Pavel, I'll have to get back to you on the SVG connection points. I'm a bit busy the next day or two so I'll probably have my questions ready after that.


PostPosted: October 12th, 2004, 8:23 am
by Stefan
Hello all,

Good news! The project has been approved for SourceForge, it can now be found on
and the webspace is available at (though there's no site there yet).

I think it would be wise to keep the discussion here for a while though, up until we are beyond the planning stage.
I'll upload the latest version of TSimpleGraph for the time being.

More good news, development for the polylines and routing is taking shape. It is quite a daunting task however, but we did expect that.


PostPosted: October 13th, 2004, 11:48 am
by Stefan
More good news...

I've finished the routing algo, it works much the same way as I described it. I'll upload a couple of screenshots later today...
It adds a variable ammount of weight to the changing of direction, it adds weight to the crossing of another GraphLink and it avoides GraphNodes and their bubbles (which are variable in size, depending on the user's settings).



PostPosted: October 14th, 2004, 8:00 am
by Stefan
Here are the screenshots...
The red line is the path it has to find from node (0,0) to (50,30) which is somewhere in the lower-right regions of the "grid" (as you can see)...


PostPosted: October 17th, 2004, 7:30 pm
by pavel
Hi Stefan,
I have made some prototype, too.
I have extended Simplegraph so that you can select svg file and it is parsed and partially displayed.
Implemented are:
- path in the from lines
- rectangles
SVG file can be edited so that XML editor is called.

I think that we should co-ordinate development a little, now.


extgraph progress

PostPosted: October 18th, 2004, 12:12 pm
by Stefan
Hello all,

Pavel, as you know you have been added to the SF project. Also, coordination will be a lot easier now as we can use all of SF's project-management capabilities such as the task-manager, bug-tracker, CVS, and so on...
Anyone else interested in developing/testing should register with sourceforge and give Pavel or me an email with your SF-loginname and an indication on what you plan to do to help.

Pavel: vrecion [at] users . sourceforge . net
Stefan: stefanmelis [at] users . sourceforge . net

I also have some good news regarding the PolyLine support, see attached screenshots for details...


PostPosted: October 18th, 2004, 3:44 pm
by pavel
Well done, but if we will be so fast, what we will do tomorrow? :D

PostPosted: October 19th, 2004, 7:22 am
by Stefan
hahaha... whatever should we do...
euhm...? improve it! :)
seriously, it''s not all that good yet, it's slow as hell and still will take me more of the week / month to improve it to anything stable :(

Still you have a point.... what else is on people's wishlists?



PostPosted: October 19th, 2004, 7:56 am
by pavel
Hi all readers,

I have worked a little on svg glyphs.
Now I have implemented some really basic subset of svg tags.
Nevertheless I think that basic framework, that can be extended is already in place meaning that:
- svg file (which is pure xml) is opened and parsed into DOM model
- glyphs borders are calculated
- rectangles and/or lines are displayed, rest is omitted
- doubleclick displays integrated xml editor

Attached are some screen shots, including drawing glyph in svg editor (Inkscape). I hope that it gives some picture of current state.
During the work I found that:
- there is a "svg jungle", while many editors saves svg in enhanced formats (Inkscape, Sodipodi ..). Others like Corel Draw 11 seems to convert svg incorrectly (I did not studied it deeply, so I do not know if the problem was on side of Corel or SVG editor I have used)
- generaly SVG support in vector editors, inet browsers is far from ideal, but it seems to gain ground.

But I have also found that svg can be format of extended graph, while all currently implemented objects (rectangle, ellipse, polygon, link ...) can be described in svg syntax, even if we will strictly use specs without enhancements.
This will enable to save graph and use it for example on the web without any conversion (supposing that mainstream browsers will became "svg enabled") or imported into other vector editors.

And finally ... is out of there volunteer that will help to implement other svg objects (like circles, Bezier curves) and features like gradient fill? There are interesting problems, that will train your brain.
Dear new volunteer country and humankind needs you. :D


PostPosted: October 21st, 2004, 2:46 pm
by pavel
Hi dear reader.
we, Stefan and I, have had some direct discussion about further development that we would like to summarize as a list of questions we agreed on and which will become project tasks:

- There should be an option of user defined connection points.
- Definition of connection points is done as a part of designing shape.
- We will try to find a SVG feature for connetion points, if there is no appropriate, we will make proprietary enhancement to SVG format, similarly to sodipodi/inkscape... extensions.
- There should be some default connection points.
- Default points algorithm. During programming of optimized connector lines, we will see which approach gives the best results. So far we have in store algoritms: center based; edge division predefined and dynamic; minimal path. Center based will be easiest (as it is already implemented) edge division will by hard (?) as we will have to (dynamicilly) decide what part of the drawing is an edge (this could be troublesome when there are single lines in a drawing).
- Design of user defined connection points. Idea is based on using external shape/glyph designer, so connection points in best case scenario should be defined there.
- Current shapes (Rectangle, Circle ...) should be reimplemented so that we will have one mechanism. There is question of backward compatibility, but it is probably solveable.
- Format of shapes. Clean solution will be svg only. Vector (WMF, EMF, SVG) and bitmap formats (GIF, JPEG, BMP), are not interchangeable. To minimize this complexity it should be imported to svg using appropriate svg editor. Standardizing on SVG would be a good thing. This will even be quite helpful in determining ConnectionPoint position and such.

PostPosted: October 21st, 2004, 7:17 pm
by Kambiz
Hi guys,

You are going so fast indeed, my compliments!

I'm going to update SimpleGraph's page on DELPHI AREA to inform visitors about your movement. Do you need anything particular to appear on the page?


P.S. Sorry for not being here for a couple of days.

PostPosted: October 21st, 2004, 7:41 pm
by pavel
Thanx for appreciation, even premature one. :wink:
maybe you can mention that there is possibility to join and volunteers are welcomed.
Expecially svg features can be implemented step by step and there is good opportunity to work on relatively small and separated problems like Bezier curves.

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2004, 8:37 am
by Stefan
Thanks Kambiz :)

I agree with Pavel. We could use help, especially with the SVG implementation. Other things aswell by the way, ideas on what to implement are more than welcome too!