TSunTime is a non-visual component to calculate times of sunrise, sunset, solar noon, and beginning morning and end evening twilight for any geographical location on a specific date.



SunTime Component (66.2 KiB, Last updated on July 1, 2012)Source code of the TSunTime component, including the documentation and a sample program. The archive also contains the database of latitudes and longitudes of major world cities.

Operational In

  • Active Home Vista

    Active Home Vista is the “control center” of your home automation system. You can control all your devices, program the CM11A, and receive updates from the CM11A to see what is going on X10-wise.

  • Digital Home Server

    The Digital Home Server (DHS) is a free home automation and multimedia application, specifically aimed for non-technical users.

If you have a software using the TSunTime component, and you would like your product to be listed here, please post the link to your software’s homepage and a brief description about it on the miscellaneous section of the forum.