

October 29, 2008

The WP-ContentBlogroll plugin defines [blogroll] shortcode for listing your blogroll (links) in pages or posts.

To embed links in a post (or page), type [blogroll] in the content area, and then save/publish your post (or page).

The [blogroll] shortcode accepts the following parameters:

  • categorized
    Links should be shown within their assigned Categories (‘1’) or not (‘0’).
    See example of categorized blogroll here, and not categorized blogroll there.
    Defaults to ‘1’
  • category
    Comma separated list of numeric link category IDs or slugs to be displayed.
    If none is specified, all categories with links are shown.
    Defaults to (all categories)
  • exclude_category
    Comma separated list of numeric link category IDs slugs to be excluded from display.
    Defaults to (no categories excluded)
  • category_name
    The name of a link category whose links will be displayed.
    If none is specified, all categories with links are shown.
    Defaults to (all categories)
  • category_orderby
    Value to sort Categories on.
    Valid options are ‘name’, ‘id’, ‘slug’, and ‘count’.
    Defaults to ‘name’
  • category_order
    Sort order, ascending or descending for the category_orderby parameter.
    Valid values are ‘ASC’ and ‘DESC’;
    Defaults to ‘ASC’
  • show_category_desc
    Should descriptions of categories be displayed (‘1’) or not (‘0’).
    Defaults to ‘1’
  • include
    Comma separated list of numeric link IDs to include in the output.
    If the include string is used, the category, category_name, exclude_category, and exclude parameters are ignored.
    Defaults to (all links)
  • exclude
    Comma separated list of numeric link IDs to exclude.
    Defaults to (exclude nothing)
  • orderby
    Value to sort links on.
    Valid values are ‘id’, ‘url’, ‘name’, ‘target’, ‘description’, ‘owner’, ‘rating’, ‘updated’, ‘rel’, ‘notes’, ‘rss’, ‘length’, and ‘rand’
    Defaults to ‘name’ unless you pass the value of ” (empty), in which case it sets to ‘id’
  • order
    Sort order, ascending or descending for the orderby parameter.
    Valid values are ‘ASC’ and ‘DESC’.
    Defaults to ‘ASC’
  • limit
    Maximum number of links to display.
    Defaults to -1 (all links)
  • show_updated
    Should the last updated timestamp be displayed (‘1’) or not (‘0’).
    Defaults to ‘0’
  • show_images
    Should images for links be shown (‘1’) or not (‘0’).
    Defaults to ‘0’
  • show_desc
    Should descriptions of links be displayed (‘1’) or not (‘0’).
    Defaults to ‘1’
  • show_notes
    Should notes of links be displayed (‘1’) or not (‘0’).
    Defaults to ‘0’
  • show_rating
    Should rating stars/characters be displayed (‘1’) or not (‘0’).
    Defaults to ‘0’
  • rating_image
    Set a URI for an image (usually a star) to represent rating of a link.
    Defaults to (asterisk character)
  • hide_invisible
    Should link be displayed even if it’s Visible setting is No. Abides by admin setting (‘1’) or does not abide by admin setting (‘0’).
    Defaults to ‘1’
  • none_message
    Displayed when no link has been found.
    Defaults to (display nothing)


WP-ContentBlogroll (10.4 KiB, Last updated on October 29, 2008)Enables you to list your blogroll in WordPress pages or posts.